
August 17, 2011

Gender Appointment!

Today is the day we find out the gender of our baby!
I am hoping and praying that everything goes well and that we will be able to find out.
Our appointment isn't until 2pm which is just my check-up and then from there we have to drive to my hospital in Greece (30min) to have my ultrasound. I woke up super early this morning because I just couldn't sleep from all the excitement and am finding it hard to find things to do until 2 o'clock comes! 
I keep reading stories of women who go in to have their mid-pregnancy ultrasound and have bad news, and I get a little scared and nervous.
I haven't seen my baby since I was 7 weeks along - it's been hard to go so long without knowing if he/she is really alright in there and growing like they should.  
I haven't had many symptoms at all (no morning sickness, nothing) and I keep thinking that my belly should be bigger. 
I am a huge worrier - I need to stop that.
I am just glad I finally can see and know what's really going on in there and be at peace!
I'm sure many of you will be getting phone calls or texts this afternoon!!
Otherwise I will be posting tonight!

As for a few other things going on...
Moving has been put on hold for a few extra weeks. I am really upset about it because our whole house is packed up and ready to move. We were supposed to be moving in this week but Hubs thought it would be better to wait until mid-way through September to start because we couldn't get out of our lease where we are now (that ends September 30th). I am not upset with his decision to wait a few more weeks, since it will be saving us about $600. I'm just antsy to get settled is all. So since our house is all packed up it feels awful to be here. I don't feel comfy and cozy. Everything is everywhere and just messy and gross. Boxes from floor to ceiling, all my packing supplies, spackle for the walls, etc. 
My last day of work is tomorrow. 
I am so excited to be finished. 
A few things happened Monday while I was there and I made the decision not to work as On-Call (when they need extra help) at all. 
so I am not sure what I will be doing with all my time from now until we get the keys for our new place September 14th. With my life all in boxes there's not much left that I can do to get ready to move. 
I will be happy to just relax and enjoy the rest of the summer for a little while. 

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