
September 21, 2011

Quick Update.

So, I thought that while I had a few minutes to spare I would do a quick update.

Here's how last week looked:
Tuesday: follow-up ultrasound to see Viv's heart since they couldn't get a good look during the anatomy scan.
Wednesday: My monthly check-up and Josh had a dr appointment too. Got the keys to the apartment.
Thursday, Friday, Saturday: Cleaned and painted at the apartment all day.
Saturday Evening: Went to the city to see our friends sing at a coffee shop
Sunday: Church then more cleaning/working at the apartment.
Monday: Finally finished cleaning everything and started moving boxes
Tuesday: Moved lots of boxes and relaxed

When we first saw our apartment (the first time since we saw it once 2 months ago) I cried for a few hours.
It wasn't how I had been picturing it and my expectations had grown severely. 
I was a basket case that day.
After a few days of cleaning (scouring. It smelled like smoke pretty bad) and painting I am absolutely in love.
I adore our new home.
I love that we haven't had to rush to get things done and I can just do everything at my own pace and not stress and not have to worry about spending time with Josh, cooking, resting.
I love that I have done everything by myself (aside from some help from my dad and then Josh helped paint a little).
I feel more accomplished than ever with the work I've done.
Yesterday and today we have been bringing some boxes over here and there. 
Tonight I have a few furniture painting projects that I need to finish and then unpacking the kitchen!
We were planning on renting a U-haul for the day tomorrow but we're just going to rest instead.
I'm not ready to move all the big stuff over yet and I want to keep things going at the pace that it is.
Josh has the day off tomorrow so we're finally going to just rest together and cook a nice dinner in our new home and just have a day to take in each other and everything that has been going on.
My poor husband has been working so hard and barely has a minute to spare. 
I make sure I just eat him up when he's around though.
We have until the 30th to get everything out of where we're living now so there's no rush to get done.
As much as it would be nice to get everything organized as quickly as possible I need to not overwork myself - for the baby's sake. 
We're getting there slowly but perfectly fine and I am completely and utterly content. 

Vivienne is growing like a weed. 
Just over a pound as of last week!
I can't believe how fast my pregnancy is going by. 
My baby girl is going to be here in the blink of an eye. 
Our weekends are all filled up until the end of October then those 2 big holidays will be here so fast. 
Where is the time going?! 

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