
December 11, 2011

Christmas Tree 2011

So, we *finally* got our tree!
He's a little lop-sided but we loved him as soon as we saw him :)
I took a bunch of pictures of the living room decorated for Christmas but when I try to upload them on here they're sideways and I can't get them to rotate.
At least you can see the tree here.

Baby is growing like a weed!
Almost 34 weeks here.
This week is going to be super busy - 2 doctor appointments, out to lunch twice with some girlfriends, babysitting in the afternoons/evenings, Christmas shopping. I'm already tired just thinking about it.
Josh just has finals all week so he'll be home a lot more starting now until January 26th when school starts (and coincidentally my due date...nice) again.
Viv is getting *so* heavy that sometimes it's difficult to walk...I find myself hunched over most of the time like a cripple.
I'm really hoping these next 6/7 weeks go by really fast in the fact that it's just simply getting hard to live with being so huge and uncomfortable all the time. I am however, treasuring this time as best I can - having my baby so close to me and bonding with her in this way, having time to myself to do whatever I want (which is mostly sleep), and most of all enjoying every second with Joshua that I can. After the baby is born life is forever going to be so different so I'm just soaking in the *now* :)