
April 14, 2012

Our Week

This week was pretty eventful.
Vivienne and I went to a friend's house for a ladies night, went shopping, had my cousin over for the day, went to our aunt and uncle's for dinner, went to a good friend's bridal shower, made dinner every night that we were home, my in-laws stopped over for dinner....phew! 
It's starting to get so much easier to go out with the baby.
She's easy to carry around stores and she's starting to get used to going places! yay!
She loves people and seeing new places.

I think this post is going to set a record for an insane amount of photos.
I took 700 pictures this week (not including Easter).
I may have a problem...

Some of the pictures are kind of you can click on them to make them bigger :)

 Watching Baby Einsteins. 
Really just listening...the tv is too high for her to see.
 Coconut pudding for Lovely Hubs

Playing on the floor is our favorite thing!

 Joshua bought WAY too many jelly beans.

 Her Daddy is her everything.

This week Viv discovered her tongue. She sticks it out constantly!
She has started drooling like a water fountain - Mama can see two little toothies under her gums. Crazy girl has been growing up too fast! Had to break out the bibs! Where has my newborn gone?!
This week she also learned to mimic us...cutest freaking thing ever.

 Daddy and Babe hanging out - garbage overflowing...the norm.

Got this dress last summer when I used to work at Macy's - never wore it until today...definitely my new favorite dress! Also, I've never liked my's always been "too thick, too long, too short, too straight, too frizzy, etc etc..." but now I'm thinking I really love my hair. I don't know if it's the color or because it changed during pregnancy...but I'm kind of digging least for today. 

For my friend's bridal shower they decided not to do the traditional "opening gifts" - instead they had each guest bring their gift unwrapped and for everyone to see. I think it was a cute's so awkward to open gifts in front of people and takes a lot of time. So I just used some vintage fabric and whipped up some felt flowers to make the gifts I got for her a little special. 

 The favors at the shower we're handmade tea bags filled with different loose leaf teas and tied around a honey pretty. 

Our friends daughter holding Vivi - she is the cutest girl ever! Her mom is actually pregnant with her third daughter due in June! Yay!

 The theme of the shower was "April Showers" 


The beautiful bride-to-be!
She is such a wonderful girl - we just love her. Her soon-to-be husband is Josh's best friend and we are SO SO excited and thrilled for them! Cannot wait until the wedding in June!




  1. Wow you girls were busy! love your hair!!! Mine is.....not yours!!! love all the pictures, make your post amazingly fun!
