
April 3, 2012

Vivienne: Two Months!

Today my tiny girl is two months old! 
Two months!
It feels like she's been around for a lifetime because we love her so much - but it also feels like she just came into the world yesterday!
Oh sweet baby, you're growing up much too quickly.

Vivienne Likes:

- Sleeping! She sleeps a good 12 hours every night and nap 3-4 hours during the day

- Taking tubbies with Mama! Oh the splashing, kicking and laughing - this girl thinks she's a mermaid.

- Getting her dippy changed - sister loves her changing table and being naked

- When Mommy acts silly - she laughs at me all the time 

- Music - she loves any music. Her favorite though is the Civil Wars, gets her to sleep every time.

- Watching television. Seriously, if the tv is on and she can't see it she screams. So weird.
- Sitting facing the world. She does not like to be snuggled like a baby anymore. Girl is way too aware and curious of all her surroundings.

- Standing on our laps and jumping...her muscle strength is astounding

- Hanging out in her swing

- Looking at herself in the mirror

- Looking at her hands...she *loves* her hands and fingers

- Going to church. She loves the singing and all the people. It's so cute.

Vivienne Dislikes:

- Being alone. Yep, she is super needy - always needs her Mama or Daddy.

- Being in her car seat and the car - hates. it.

- Target. She hates Target. Definitely a girl after her Daddy's heart, not Mommy's ;)

- Being snuggled like a baby (sad Mama!)

- Getting her clothes changed...she kind of panics...poor thing.

- Tummy Time. Definitely hates that - unless she's on our chest, at least she likes that so she can build up her muscle strength.

- Pacifiers...haven't even tried to use one in weeks...not even worth trying.

Other than that our girl is a pretty freaking happy baby. 
I love it!

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