
April 11, 2012

Vivienne's First Easter (Part 2)

Easter morning we got up and went to church at 6:30am for sunrise service followed by a big potluck breakfast.
So wonderful!

 Cousin Lyssa ^

Sleepy after her first church service on our way to Grandma's house.

sleeping through her second service.

 desperately trying to get a decent family photo.

Someone didn't like the sunshine in her eyes!

 The picture behind her is of me - she looks nothing like me!
Hanging out with her uncle Jesse

We didn't get home until almost 11pm so the next day we had a pretty cranky baby.
But overall, I think her first Easter was a pretty successful one indeed!

I hope you all had a wonderful Easter holiday too!


  1. happy first easter miss vivienne!
    glad you guys had a nice day :)
    love her poofy little skirt/dress.
