
May 30, 2012


We live just a couple miles away from Lake Ontario (crapiest lake ever) and this big state park.
We spend almost every evening there during the summer walking along the beach or having parties with friends. 
Tonight we went for the first time this summer and the first time with Viv.
Ever since Joshua and I met we've been going here so it's just our thing rather than wanting to go because it's a nice place. 
Anytime there's a big thunder storm coming we pack up the car and race to the beach so we can watch the clouds come in. 
Before we had Vivienne we would go and climb the rocks and let the waves of the lake soak us and let the rain pour down. Now, I guess we have to beat the rain for the babe's sake. 

Tonight we went and the dark clouds were coming in and we thought for sure it would start raining but it didn't.
I can't wait for all the parties and walks we'll be having at the beach this summer!

We met this pigeon on the beach. 
He followed us around the whole time and wanted me to hold him (I didn't touch him bc birds are blegh).
He must have been tame or a carrier or something because he had a bracelet on that said he was from Buffalo...and he was way too friendly to be wild.
But I kind fell in love. I'm a sucker for little critters.
We named him Walter and I almost cried when we had to leave him alone with all the mean seagulls.

p.s. we were not driving when I took this! We stopped to nurse before we kept walking! :)


  1. So fun! We are no where by a beach, just mucky lakes, lame! Your pictures are great, and I am so jealous of your beautiful view of the sky! Glad you guys had fun!

    1. lol, Jessica our lake is pretty crappy too but at least it's something! hehe. Thanks!

  2. Those ARE cool sky pictures! Poor, cute pigeon =( =)
