
July 27, 2012

A Day at the Zoo!

We've been wanting to go to the zoo all summer long and earlier in the week the weather was finally on our side and we made it! 
Josh and I used to go on dates to the zoo before Viv was born and we both knew we had to take her. We were thinking that she might be too young to really care about everything going on but no, she absolutely loved it! She squealed and talked to all the animals and smiled the entire time. It was one of the most fun things we've ever done!

We walked through some sprinklers and she couldn't stop laughing. 

She wore a zebra shirt that her auntie got her and her pink safari shorts...I forgot to get a picture though.

that's their "These monkey's are smelly" face

These are the moments that I live for.
Seeing my baby girl's face light up at all the new things that she sees. 
Hearing her laugh and giggle because she thinks everything is just so funny.
Watching my husband teach our little girl new things.
I am just soaking up these beautiful moments and wishing that time could just slow down. 


Next week we're going on vacation to a cottage on one of the finger lakes.
Then we both are turning 21.
Then, sadly, school will be starting up again and we will be saying goodbye to another beautiful and wonderful summer.
I will be welcoming fall with open arms.

My baby girl is celebrating her half birthday next week.
This is hard for me to think about.