
August 24, 2012

Another Birthday...

We celebrated my birthday at the beginning of the week.
We celebrated over two days because Josh had to work on my actual birthday.
Monday we spent the day at our local hands-on kid's museum and went out to dinner.
Tuesday evening when Josh got home he took us to the beach to watch the sunset and got me some wine and a cake.

It was definitely my best birthday to date.
I mean, why wouldn't it be when I spend it with my Love and my cute kid?!

Now school starts Monday for Josh so it'll be back to our regular routines.
I'm so ready for Fall and all of the snuggly, yummy, warm things that come with it!

Anyway, here's a photo dump from my special day.

I guess we chose to go to the Strong Museum mostly for us rather than to take Viv.
It's definitely more for kids who can at least walk, but she loved it so much!
Her favorite part was watching and laughing at all the kids.
She loves other children and loves just watching what they're all about.
Of course, Josh and I had a blast too playing all the games and showing Viv all kinds of new things.
I can't wait to go back when she's bigger and can run around and play!
We put her on the floor a couple times and she was in heaven.
The only thing was is that whenever we would pick her up and carry her or put her in her stroller she would start to tear up and cry. 
Thank God she not a screamer though - phew!

Viv is getting so big that I can hardly handle it.
She's standing on her own for up to 5 seconds, walking along all the furniture, and on my birthday she had her first swing ride!
Her squeals and laughter sounded like they were from a toddler - she has no "baby" sounds left at all.
As we were walking along the beach my heart longed for another baby - a playmate for Viv.  
A baby for each of us to carry on our walks.
Anyway, I think I'll save more on that for another post.

I cannot wait to see what our birthdays will look like next year.
What our little family will look like, living in a new state, maybe another baby? Who knows!
I am so thankful for my life and the Blessings that I have.
I have more than I ever could hope for and have more love surrounding me than I ever dreamed.

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