
September 20, 2012

A Little Sentimental...

Today Viv went to her first play group.
Last night after I put her to sleep in our bed I got up and fixed her lunch and picked out her outfit so that I didn't have any excuses to be late or not go. 
I had been putting off going for weeks months because of many reasons...
she was too young to enjoy other kids, summer was so busy, thrush, etc.
This week though I was bound and determined to get us there and get us there on time.
As I was packing her things last night I got teary eyed and had to stop for a minute. 
Even though we were just going over to church for a few hours to play, I got emotional thinking of the future when I'll be packing her lunch and sending her off to school. 
These days are flying by and I just want time to slow down. 
I'm going to blink my eye and she is going to be walking.
sleeping in her own room.
shaving her legs.

I cried tonight because Josh and I were talking about what life was like without her.
Trying to remember what it was like without her.
Life was wonderful...but it could never compare to what it is now.
This girl...this tiny child...
she is our world.
She is our everything.
We eat, sleep and breathe her beautiful life. 
Every smile and every laugh is just as precious and priceless as the first.

I live so deeply in every single moment with her and at the same time have an unbound excitement for the next day, when all over again we will breathe her in and cherish her just the same as the day before.

Being a mother is the hardest yet most wonderful experience I think that must be out there.


1 comment:

  1. Awesome :) She is a beautiful gift from God. The two of you are wonderful parents and I am thrilled that you are enjoying motherhood Jordan!
