
November 16, 2012

A Little Anniversary Getaway!

It was the day before our 2nd wedding anniversary and we were at church having a lunch and my mother-in-law asked if we were doing anything for our anniversary. We talked about going away just for one night but kind of decided that it was a lot of work and that we'd just go out to dinner or something. After we got home from church my mother-in-law called me and gave me some options for close by hotels and inn's so that we
could go away for the night. So, spur of the moment I decided to plan and make a reservation for that night. I quick called Josh who had gone to the movies with his dad and told him that I packed us a bag and that we were going away!

So, that day around 4pm we left and went to Canandaigua (where we got engaged). 
We stopped at a restaurant for dinner and then slowly made our way to our hotel. 
We stayed at a gorgeous inn right on Canandaigua Lake.
We spent the evening swimming (Viv loved swimming so much!), eating junk food, and just hanging out in our beautiful room. Viv went to sleep pretty early and Josh and I enjoyed just hanging out, laughing, and watching The Walking Dead.
The next morning we swam some more and went out to breakfast.
After breakfast we spent a few hours walking along the lake and playing at the park where we got engaged. 
It was an absolutely gorgeous day in the low 70s! Which is amazing for the end of October! 
After awhile we grabbed some lunch at a little diner and then went into a bunch of adorable little shops on Main Street. 
We stopped at the mall on the way home and at my favorite frozen yogurt shop - it's fun being pregnant hehe. 
We were home before dark.
It was the most perfect little getaway!
We had so much fun being a family and celebrating being married for 2 years!

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