
November 16, 2012

Vivienne: 8 Months

Boy am I late on this one!
Viv's already 9 months old but I didn't want to get behind or skip any month updates.
She turned 8 months on October 3rd.
I've decided to keep posting for myself - I love looking back and reading my old posts and having this blog - so, it's going to be a little weird knowing that Josh and myself are the only ones who will read it. I think I may set back to public at some point. Now, with being pregnant, I have so much more to say.

Okay, so here goes. 
Viv's 7th month was so crazy.
We did so many fun activities while the weather was still so warm and beautiful.
Viv learned to stand on her own and takes 2-3 steps.
She knows that crawling is much faster so I'm not sure when she'll decide that walking is fun too.

The weather was still pretty nice and mild through the end of October so we enjoyed many days at my mom's house playing outside with all the animals, going to parks, and going for long walks around town.
Viv absolutely loves being out of the house and going on adventures. She lives for doing new things!
As soon as we start to put her coat and shoes on she starts doing a little dance and squealing!

She really started talking a lot during this month.
She says so many different words and knows what they mean and what we're talking about.
I can't wait to watch her communication skills bloom and develop!
It is so fun watching every new thing that she learns and does!

She is still sleeping through every night and taking 2, 3 hour naps a day.
Though she is in a bad habit of staying up past 9:30/10 every night! Ah!
She is eating like a little adult!
She sometimes will eat more than I do - and I'm pregnant!
Here's an example of what a day of food for her looks like:
Breakfast: A Belgian waffle, handful of strawberries and blueberries, a whole banana, a slice of toast with apple butter, a yogurt and a glass of orange juice.
Lunch: A cheese and egg quesadilla, a bowl of peas, a peach, a clementine, a slice of cheese, a cup of soup, and a glass of milk or juice.
Dinner: a bowl of broccoli and rice, chopped up chicken, a bowl of peas, a slice of cheese, some cucumbers, a bowl of melon, and a glass of juice.
Plus she has multiple snacks during the day - things like raisins, crackers, cookies, avocado slices.

Her stats are:
Height: 34 inches
Weight: 23 pounds

She is such a big girl.
She is so full of life and spunk and I just can't get enough of this sweet baby girl.

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