
December 17, 2012

Holiday Style: Part 1

We have so many parties, church events, family shin-digs to go to in the next week it's crazy! 
I just love the holidays and especially the clothes I get to wear at this time.
Sparkles, pearls, fancy dresses, lace...I just love it all!
I decided I would do a little post about every holiday outfit I throw together and see what I come up with.
It'll be fun to incorporate my pregnancy in my outfits and show you that it's easy to still look cute even with a growing bump!
I loved this dress so much that I think I might have to wear it again to church on Sunday!

Anyway, these pictures are pretty lousy since it was late, dark and I was tired. 
We had just gotten home and Viv was cranky so I didn't have much time.
Hopefully the next ones will turn out a little better!

Dress: Forever 21
Necklace: Macy's
Earrings: Gift
Glasses: Forever 21

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