
January 10, 2013

Her Name...

Penelope Darling

I am just so in love with this name. 
We never had a different first name picked out or considered. 
We have loved this name for years and before we got pregnant we knew that our next daughter would be our Penny.
We had thought about not deciding for sure on a name until she (or he) was born in case we changed our minds but as soon as we found out we were having another girl it was a concrete decision - we didn't even have to think about it, we just said "Oh, Penelope you're so cute!" during the ultrasound.
My little Penny Darling.
 I can't wait to hold her and smell her and take in all of her beauty. 
I am in heaven right now thinking of my daughters. 
The names don't have any family significance or anything...just two names that we both loved.
We like the not-so-common names but without being too quirky - so I think this is perfect.

Tonight during dinner Josh and I were talking and I said "my girls" while talking about our babies - it felt so right.
My girls.
I still can't believe I'm going to be a mama to two beautiful little angels.
Life is going to be so fun and so filled with delicacy and whimsy. 
God knew the perfect fit for me as a mother and I am so thankful for the gifts He has given us.

Thank you all for your kind words today - we so appreciate all of the support and love.

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