
January 31, 2013

Maternity Shoot!

On Tuesday I got together with my friend, Caitlin, to do a "week 22" maternity photo shoot!
I've been following Cait's blog A Daily Dose of Dress for what seems like years and we just finally met this week! 
I may or may not have been a little starstruck, hehe. 
As wonderful as she is on her blog, she's even better in person!
When she offered to do a photo shoot with me awhile back I got super excited and anticipated the day until it came - I felt like a giddy little girl. 
This is the first set of photos in what we're planning on being a fantastic maternity series throughout the rest of my pregnancy!

(p.s.  you seriously need to check out Cait's blog. She has a vintage wardrobe (that I constantly envy) that is to die for and her photos are always perfection. Sometimes I visit her blog just to get cheered up on a bad day because of all the lovely things she does.)

I was originally going to make this post one of my weekly pregnancy update posts but I didn't want to take away from the photos with all my boring statistics! 
So I'll do a separate post for that tomorrow.

It's kind of hard finding outfits that works with being a mom to a one year old AND being pregnant without looking drab and frumpy. 
One of the things I'm most passionate about (hobby-wise) is fashion, so it's hard for me not to try and look my best all of the time (and also on a budget).
I kind of have to be selective now that my belly is starting to grow and I'm always chasing after Vivienne because there aren't many options that really work.
I wore this outfit twice this week because it was cute enough for a photo shoot and also great for running around trying to keep up with my toddler. 
(Though Cait did have to brush off some kid food from my elbow at one point even though I was sure I scoured my outfit for food, boogers and poop before heading over to meet her!).

My go-to outfit these days is:
- a comfy but fitted dress
- some fun colored/patterned tights
- a pair of oxford shoes
Thank again, Cait! 
You're the best and I can't wait for more adventures! 


  1. The 1st, 3rd, and 4th pictures are my favorites! Very lovely!

  2. I loved wearing comfy dresses when I was pregnant. You look adorable! Am a new follower! :)

    lace, etc.
