
February 13, 2013


Loving: All of the adorable spring and summer clothes for kids that are coming out! Everywhere I look there are just more cute clothes for girls and it's becoming very hard for me to resist buying things for my girls! I can't wait to dress the girls in matching colors and trendy outfits this summer!

Working On: I've been putting together a bunch of different scrapbooks: I finished Viv's "first year" book finally, started her 2013 book, started a book for Penny, and am doing a book for Josh and I. I've been doing the "unscrapbooking" method of just throwing things together and using a lot of keepsakes along with photos in the books. I'm really loving doing it this way because the books look more full and thick. I've also been working on some exciting projects to start on the blog! I'm going to be shifting gears a little and doing a lot of DIY projects and recipes and fashion shoots - it's time to add more things that I love to do and enjoy rather than keep it just a "mom" blog.

Watching: We have pretty much cut out all tv in our house over the past several months. Occasionally Josh and I will watch and episode or two of a show after Viv goes to sleep at night but we haven't really been too into watching anything. Viv will watch an episode of Sesame Street maybe twice a week but she just really doesn't care to watch tv and I'm really glad for that. It's been so nice not to be glued to a tv every evening - we spend our evenings together playing, doing projects or playing games and I just love the special time that we share.

Thinking About: Springtime! Oh my, I just cannot wait to get outside and play with Viv! I know it's really all that I talk about anymore but this winter has just felt SO long and dreary. We've done just about every indoor activity outside of the house that we can think of and we're just so ready to get outside and run and play.

Anticipating: FLORIDA! Only a few weeks to go until we're soaking up the warm sun on the beaches. I got Viv a couple new swimsuits which she looks absolutely adorable in and I can't wait to see her running and laughing every day in the sand. We have a condo right on the beach so we'll be sure to be outside every moment that we can. I got some super cute new maxi dresses and skirts and now I just need to find a cute swimsuit (which is proving to be much harder than I thought at 20-some weeks pregnant).

Wishing: That I was feeling better. Over the past week Viv and I have been suffering through a nasty cold. We've been so blessed not to have gotten sick at all since Viv was born and thankfully this time it was only a cold, but it's still been pretty rough. Today I could barely move so my mother-in-law took Viv for the afternoon so I could rest a little - thank goodness!

Making Me Happy: I ordered a new DSLR last week and it's going to be ready for pickup on Friday! I've been waiting to get a new camera for years and we were finally able to swing it. It's a huge investment and I'm just so, so excited! I got photoshop, a Wacom tablet, and a bunch of other fun things to go with it so I'm just way too giddy to start some new things!

1 comment:

  1. All these things are awesome except the cold part! Caleb got that last week and now Aaron is starting it. He sounds like a chipmunk when he coughs! We are praying its mild for him. Love your style and jealous about the DSLR :-)
