
February 8, 2013

Pregnancy #2: 23 weeks

Here we are at 23 weeks.
I didn't have the motivation to really take pictures for this week.
Last night we were up all night with a sick Viv and today hasn't been much better.
I will say though that I have some very exciting things in store coming up in the next few weeks!!
I guess it's more exciting for me but will make things a little more aesthetically pleasing around here.
I can barely contain myself.

Her size: She is about 11.5 inches and approximately 13 ounces - or about the size of a grapefruit

How far along: 23 weeks today. 

Total weight gain: Probably a couple pounds by now. I'll know at the doctor's next week. 

Sleep: Still sleeping fine - actually I've been sleeping great this week (well, aside from being up with Viv last night). 

Maternity clothes: None. I'm making it my goal to not wear any "maternity" clothes at all during this pregnancy. They're just all so awful and not in style. This week we went to the mall and I searched Forever 21 for a long time looking for maxi skirts and flowy tops. I got a whole bunch of great things that will be perfect throughout the rest of my pregnancy. They were just getting in more spring looks so I can't wait to go back in a few weeks and grab some more. Forever 21 is perfect for finding things to fit through pregnancy and their prices are so good that you don't have to worry if you don't wear their pieces after only a few times!

Cravings: I've been totally craving the frozen Bacardi drinks: specifically Pina Colada. Just use water instead of rum and they're a perfect, non-alcoholic treat! Also, I'm still craving cereal of any kind. I had a little meltdown the other night because we were all out!

Aversions: Nothing!

Symptoms I have: Leg cramps and hives. I get both almost every night. 

Doctor's appointment: I think my next one is on Tuesday - I'll have to double check so I don't forget!

Movement: She's still moving all the time. I can't believe how active she is - she rolls around all day long! I love feeling her all the time, it's a nice distraction to my day.

Best moment of the week: Viv's birthday parties! I still can't believe my baby is a year old!

Looking forward to: Spring! Right now we're having a whiteout blizzard and I'm so sick of the snow.

What I miss: Nothing! This pregnancy is so good!

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