
March 23, 2013

Some Floridian Adventures

The one thing I really love about Florida is all of the nature parks that we go to during our visits. 
I just love all of the tropical foliage, boardwalks, little lizards running around under foot.
This visit we went to a couple nature parks and enjoyed strolling Viv all over and watching her face light up with all the new things she was seeing (when she wasn't sleeping!). 

Another Florida perk is all of the amazing ice cream shops that are EVERYWHERE. 
We ate a whole lot of frozen treats this trip (there were a bunch of little ice cream shops within walking distance from our house). 

Viv didn't really like swimming in the pools all that much since the water was a little too chilly for her but she did dip her little toes in the hot tub at Josh's grandpa's house a few times and that she loved! 

Since we were visiting SO much family while we were down there we ate out at restaurants almost every day for lunch and dinner so we could either meet up with some family, or just because it was fun and easy and we were already out and about. 
I surprisingly enough only gained one pound during the whole trip!
I thought for sure I gained at least 10 from all the food that we ate, but I guess all the exercising we did made up for it - thank goodness!  

I have SO many posts that I want to do of our vacation but I think I'll split them up in between some regular posts so that you all don't get completely bored of our family pictures! 

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