
March 26, 2013

Viv's First Aquarium Trip!

I had been wanting to take Viv to an aquarium for the longest time but since the closest one to our house is over an hour away in Niagara Falls (and also not very nice) we never wanted to take her there.
Well, during our vacation my mother-in-law thought it would be fun to all take Viv to the Clearwater Aquarium during one of the overcast days!
There were hundreds of people there since it was rainy and also spring break but it was so much fun to take Viv and see her so excited to see all of the fish.
She had a blast and we loved watching her face light up whenever the fish would swim by her!
We touched sting rays, watching dolphin shows, and saw the cutest little otters swimming around.
I just love doing new things with Viv and watching her learn and grow and experience all the wonders the world has to offer. 

Now that the weather is finally (*crosses fingers*) getting better I can't wait to do fun things like go to the zoo! 
Having a toddler is the most fun I've ever had - it's like you get to be a kid again but you also get to make the rules...pretty awesome! 

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