
April 4, 2013

A Little Surpise Family Morning

Today we woke up thinking that it was going to be a long and boring day since Thursdays usually are.
Josh has school from 10:30am-9:30pm and since it's been cold and dreary this semester, we've been pretty much stuck in the house.
But this morning we woke up to Josh telling us that his two morning/early afternoon classes were cancelled and that we should go enjoy the sunshine!
We went back and forth trying to decide if we wanted to go to the Strong Museum or try our luck with the weather at the zoo when I decided that we should try the animal farm up the road (Springdale Farm).  
It was still a little chilly and I didn't want to waste our money at the zoo if it was too cold and I didn't really want to be cooped up (again) inside the Strong Museum.
Springdale ended up being the perfect place! 
I'm not an animal person at all (okay, I like puppies and kittens) but Viv adores them and it seems like we're always visiting them somewhere so I guess I have to buck up and get used to the smells and dirt. 
A bunch of the animals had babies in the past few weeks so that was really cute and Viv kept calling them doggies and kitties! 

We took walks all over the farm and explored every inch of the property.
Viv lives for new adventures and had a blast just walking everywhere, meeting the animals and playing in the dirt and mud.
Ugh, my child is not afraid to get dirty and I'm so laid back that I let her play right in the dirt - but seriously...I thought girls were supposed to be clean?!

After we explored the farm for a long, long time and our ears were numb we headed to our favorite little diner in town for brunch!
There's something about going to a little hometown diner that feels so comforting.
We got hot chocolates and breakfast food and talked about jobs, our upcoming move, and what life is going to be like with two little girls while Viv chatted it up with all the other people at the diner.

Our life is simple right now.
Not that it's not hard sometimes, but that it doesn't take much to make our hearts full.
We have a lot going on that is stressful and makes us question just what we're doing with our life - trying so hard to find a job (a real job), Josh working so at these last few classes to graduate in 7 weeks, getting ready for him to start his vigorous summer job, and preparing to bring a new child into our world all while raising a toddler. 
But, through all the stress of this chapter in our life we keep our heads up, our hearts open, and happiness in our souls. 


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