
April 2, 2013

Easter Saturday

The day before Easter we went back to my mom and dad's house for the morning and afternoon.
It was a gorgeous day and we spent most of it outside running around and exploring. 
My parents have a bunch of animals so Viv always loves going there to visit!
We could barely get her to go inside, she was so happy.

^^^That's her new face she makes when she's on a mission or curious. I think it's hysterical!^^^

I put together a little Easter egg hunt outside for Viv.
I just laid out a bunch of eggs in the yard filled with one or two jelly beans each and she had a ball running around gathering them!
She knew right away how to pick them up and put them in her basket, even though she was distracted by everyone cheering her on.
I'm hoping that next year we'll be in D.C. and we can take her to the White House egg hunt!

^^^Of course she won't pose for pictures with Mama when there's so much cool stuff going on around her!^^^

In the evening we went to my aunt's house for dinner and Viv played with all of their animals.
By the time we got home we were all exhausted from all the adventures we had over two days and were in bed sleeping before 9:30!

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