
May 20, 2013

A Little Bit of Life

During weeks that I don't take very many photos I always feel a little guilty. 
On average I take probably 500 pictures a week with my DSLR but over the past few weeks I've only taken about 100.
I feel like Vivienne grows up so much each week and when I don't capture everything I always regret it later on.
So many people always say things like I should enjoy the moments happening without a camera in front of my face but honestly, have you people ever taken a photo in your life?
I feel more in the moments happening when I DO have a camera in my hands than when I don't.
I get down on the ground with Viv when I'm taking pictures, I run and chase her, I capture every face she makes and every laugh. 
When I don't have a camera with me I'm more likely to just let Josh chase her around (mostly though because I'm 9 months pregnant - ha!).
Josh and I are almost on a daily basis looking back on photos from the years that we've been together, our married life, all of our adventures with Viv. 
My photos are my most prized possessions.
So, all that to say...over these past few weeks I've been just too pregnant to bother with taking a lot of pictures and I'm regretting it! 

Another thing I just realized...
I didn't even take any photos on MOTHER'S DAY!
We had such a lovely day and I guess I just forgot!
This pregnant brain is killing me!

I have to brag a little bit about Joshua.
He graduated this weekend with his BS degree with a double major in History and Political Science (with an almost 4.0 gpa I should add!)!
It's been a long, long road to get here but he did it and I am SO proud of him!
He has been so incredible over these years of schooling - never complaining even once.
He's 21 years old, has been married for almost 3 years, has (almost!) 2 children, and has worked at least 2-3 jobs the entire time he's been in school. 
I think there's something to say about that!
I have so much admiration and respect for this guy of mine. 
I love my husband more than anything and even though we still have a ways to go while we find a job and a place to really call home, we have come so far and have been so blessed.
And because I know you secretly read my blog...
I'm so proud of you, Honey!
Thank you for all your hard work, patience and unwavering love over these past few years. 
I'm so thankful for the way our lives have unfolded and I can't wait for the next journey ahead of us!
Okay, I'll stop now...

I know that I say this all the time but Viv is *such* an adventurer! 
We took her to this nature trail the other day and just let her lead the way.
She marched through the grass, stopping every few feet to pick flowers and find bugs.
Her spirit is so happy and full of joy and I just can't get enough!

It's been getting more difficult for me to take Viv to the park by myself because all the walking onsets a bunch of contractions that I can't really walk through.
So, our days have been mostly spent inside doing art projects and getting ready for Penny and then when Josh gets home from work we head outside until dark.
It's more fun when Daddy is around anyway! 

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