
May 25, 2013

Viv's Bedroom

One of my favorite places to be is Vivienne's bedroom. 
We recently moved her into the bigger bedroom of our apartment and I am so happy with the change. 
Her room was so small before and she has so much more stuff than we do so it only made sense to give her the bigger, brighter room!
We probably hopefully won't be living here much past summer so I decided to make the most of the space that we have while we're here.

My bedroom as a little girl was always my most favorite place and I've always wanted my girls' to feel that same happiness and joy about their rooms.
Everything in Viv's room has a special meaning and a special place in my heart.
I try to keep all her decor vintage but I do add a few new things here and there. 
My favorite place to find little decor items are church rummage sales! 
Just in the past month I've gone to 4 rummage sales and have found countless treasures and spent maybe about $10! 
I'm also a huge fan of garage, barn, and estate sales.
You never know what you may find and I love sifting through people's memories and treasures.

^ These vintage newborn dresses were mine when I was a baby and my mom recently gave me dozens of other vintage pieces that I'm dying over. She has bins full of more vintage baby things that I can't wait to sift through! The Bambi hangers I found at an old church rummage sale a few weeks ago - I got 5 for less than $1! They're so precious. 

^This bear painting my uncle made and gave me a few years ago for Christmas. He buried the canvas in the ground for a long period of time which makes it even cooler!^

^The embroidery hoops I made when I was pregnant with Viv using a vintage dress that I had but didn't really fit me well.^  

^ We are obsessed with children's books. Viv has at least 300 or more and we've read just about all of them. Every year our local library has a book sale and sells all their children's books for only 10 cents each and that's where most of Viv's collection has come from. I go a little crazy and call the library ahead of time and make sure I get to go before the sale even starts because otherwise they're gone within minutes! Most of the books hadn't even been opened before! We of course also have a ton of books that were gifted to us, are vintage and special, or just ones that we have purchased new. ^

^This bunny cookie jar I snatched up at Target after Easter this year at 90% off. For $1.29 I knew I had to have it and finally found a place for it on one of Viv's shelves!^

^I made a book with all of Vivienne's baby cards that is so special to us. I have a few other scrapbooks and memory books from when I was pregnant with her and her first year that are some of my most sacred possesions. 
The little bird cage was used at our wedding. ^ 

^ We have 9 dresser drawers all this packed full with Viv and Penny's clothes! It's insane...^

^ A girl can never have too many dresses! Now I just have to stop being so worried about her ruining them and just let her wear them all! ^

I can't wait for all of the different bedrooms my girls' are going to have as they grow up. 
Having your own space for your own special things is one of the best things in the whole world.
I can't wait for all of the memories we're going to make together in their bedrooms.
All the stories that will be told.
All the bedtime prayers said and all of the tucks into bed.
All the tea parties and dollhouses.
I love being a mama. 



  1. Oh my goodness, what an absolutely precious room, it looks so homey! I love the wall paper behind her crib, so bright and pretty:)

  2. I love it! Seriously love it! Can you come decorate my daughter's big girl room when we move her? Or our entire apartment when we get one?
