
June 11, 2013

Quick Update.

 So, quick update...
I'm still pregnant!
We were supposed to go in Saturday morning for an induction but they sent us home because they were full with emergencies and I wasn't a priority. 
I was definitely thankful for this because I wanted so badly for Penny to come naturally.
Sunday we went in for a non-stress test and everything looked still, no induction. 
We've tried every form of natural induction that I could think of...
Walking (oh man, so much walking), sex, acupressure, evening primrose oil, raspberry tea, dancing, yoga, spicy food, even castor oil (with absolutely no effect whatsoever!). 
You name it, I've tried it. 

I have an appointment this afternoon and I'm hoping that maybe she can just call and get me in for my induction and make it a priority. 
At this point I don't care how my baby is born just as long as she gets here!
She is huge. 
I'm impatient and just ready to get settled into life with a new baby. 

Come on Penny!! 
We're waiting for you!

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