
July 22, 2013

6 Weeks.

I just can't help but take hundreds of pictures of this baby!
I mean, how can I not when she's ALWAYS smiling and cooing and laughing?!

I can't believe that she is going to be 6 weeks old tomorrow already.
It's a little heartbreaking how much faster time seems to go when you have a second baby.
I feel like she was literally just born and here she is a month and a half old.
She had her 1 month checkup last week and she has gained 2.5 pounds already!
I don't think it helps any that it's summer too...
time always goes so much faster in the summer.

I can't even talk about how much I love this girl and how thankful we are for her soul in our life. 
She fits into our little family so perfectly.
Her personality and presence is so calming and peaceful.
I think we'll keep her! 

1 comment:

  1. Such gorgeous pictures - she really is so cute, Alice @ Mums Make Lists
