July 12, 2013

A Day Trip Back Home

Last Sunday we decided to be adventurous and get up super early and take a trip out to my parent's house.
They only live an hour away but it's always hard to get out there with Josh too because he works so much.
We decided to go to their church in the morning so we would be extra motivated to get out there early and have as much of the day as possible to spend out there.
It's always super weird to go back to the church that I grew up in.
As much as I still love so many of the people from there, I am so thankful that God took me out of my hometown and led me to the church family that I have now. 
My parents church is just SO big and the relationships I had there were never like the ones we have in our church now.
Our church is small...very small, especially compared to the one I grew up in so it's just a totally different feel - everyone really is family.
I'm thankful for the years that I had growing up in my church but I am even more thankful now to have grown and changed and to have a church that we really can call home. 
Anyway, Viv was super freaked out by the hundreds of people so my mom and I took the girls to the nursery the whole time - which I must say was much more fun, heh.

After church we went back to my parents house for lunch and to swim for a few hours.
Josh had the worst allergies and was getting over a bad cold so he was pretty much miserable the whole day (as you can tell from the pictures). 
It didn't help that we gave him allergy meds that made him so tired he could barely keep his eyes open - poor sweet boy.

In the afternoon we went down to the lake to take Viv to the splash pad at the park.
She had a blast and it was fun to be with my parents while they watched Viv play! 
We walked around town and took Viv on a carousel ride at the cutest little kids amusement park.
Vintage carnival rides for kids? I was obsessed!
As many times as I had been there growing up, it was like a whole new town watching through the eyes of my adventurous little girl. 
It was a beautiful time.

After all the fun by the lake we headed to another town close by for a friend's graduation party. 
On the way we stopped by some of the cutest little lakefront towns.
I love going to new places and seeing all the new sights - it's my most favorite thing.
We were at the party for a few hours and hung out with family and friends and finally decided we should probably head back home (it was an hour and a half drive home from the party). 

We were home by 9pm and the girls got their baths and went right to sleep in bed!
We had such a fun and wonderful day even despite poor Josh's allergies and head cold. 
The girls were wonderful.
Viv is always happy when we do new things and Penny is always happy to be along for the ride.

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