
July 11, 2013

Sweet Summertime

I'm so terribly behind on blogging. 
Every time I sit down and start a post, I get distracted by a handful of things and then never get around to actually writing and posting. 
It's been a crazy 3 or 4 weeks.
We are having the best summer ever and it's not leaving much downtime! 
We did have a few rough patches with some little flu bugs but thankfully the worst of it only lasted 24 hours. 
I mean, who gets sick in the summer anyway?!

After Penny was born we really jumped right back into the swing of life within a week.
Most of the time we've just been doing little things that don't take much time so that we can get back home for naps and rest and then when Josh is home we take longer adventures. 
It really helps to get out of the house even if I just take the girls for a walk around the block a few times. 

I've taken SO many hundred of photos this past month but I'll just do a quick (sort of) little recap of some of my favorites over these last few weeks.

I don't think I can even contain my giddiness on how wonderful this summer is!
I keep saying it and I probably will until it's over!

Our summer is church parties and picnics, walks on the beach with sweet friends and cookouts with family, swimming wherever we can find water, kayaking and flying kites. 
Our summer is the smell of toddler skin and sunscreen.
Our summer is newborn grunts and cuddles in the shade of the greenest trees.
Our summer is carousel rides and vintage dresses, grass-stained knees and sand between tiny toes, museum trips, farms and zoos. 
Our summer is holding hands and singing in the car.
Our summer is beautiful.

Life with two young children is exhausting but it's also so exhilarating at the same time.
Everything just feels so new and exciting when you live looking through the eyes of a child.
The simplest things are the very best to them and watching them experience things for the first time is the very best thing for a parents' soul. 

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