
September 7, 2013

Penny: 2 Months!

August 11, 2013

This month we enjoyed our tiny newborn so much.
She grew so fast but still stayed small enough to be squishy and new.
She absolutely loves going places and keeping busy.
I really have no complaints with this sweet beauty!

She is still sleeping through the night - 12-14 hours every night!
She takes a 2 hour morning nap after she first wakes up and eats and a few more throughout the day.

At her 2 month check-up she got three shots.
She weighed 12 pounds 4 ounces.
And was 99 percentile for height (24 inches).
She's a tall, skinny girl! 

She started rolling over both ways this month!
She loves to lay on a cushy blanket and look around for hours.
Tummy time isn't her favorite but she keeps her complaints to a minimum since she knows it won't last for long.

Her favorite person is Viv.
She lights up whenever she4s is near her (and same goes for Vivy too).
She loves to snuggle her mommy.
She loves when her Daddy carries her around.

Bath time is her very favorite thing in the world.
We've been bathing her in the sink (so much less work than the baby tub).
Every time her little body hits the water we get a huge belly laugh!
Her giggles are to die for.

And speaking of giggles...
This sweet girl is always babbling and talking...I mean always!
It's the most precious thing.
I could sit and listen to her for hours....
oh wait...I do!
Viv never really made many noises when she was a baby so we're really soaking up this adorable part of babyhood.

We are so over the moon in love with our sweet little Pen.
She is a perfect piece to our little family

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