
September 8, 2013

Recipe: Blueberry and Peach Cobbler

It's Fall! 
Well, not technically yet, but the weather is cooling down and it's feeling more and more like fall everyday!
And do you know what that means?
It means I feel inspired to bake and cook pretty much non-stop!
During the summer I get in such a cooking rut - it's always so hot, we're always so busy, and cooking/baking is the last thing I feel like doing.
So, I usually just make super simple meals during the summer and hardly ever bake any sweet things. 
Well, I'm back into the swing of things and loving it (Josh and Viv don't mind it either, hehe).

Yesterday I, along with a tiny little blue-eyed partner, whipped up a pan of blueberry and peach cobbler that was to die for!
I had never made cobbler before or really ever even eaten it.
Just saying the word "cobbler" makes me feel about 90 years old.
I had a pile of incredible peaches that my grandpa had given me and a quart of blueberries and I knew they were going to go to waste if I didn't do something with them right away.
So I thought and I thought and came up with this recipe on my own (with the help of my sweet tooth - of course).
I had to look up quick recipe for the topping part but other than that I basically let my cravings do the rest.
Seriously you guys, it was heavenly.

Okay, here's what you'll need:

- 5 or 6 small/medium peaches (mine were super ripe and juicy) 
- about a cup of blueberries (I might add an extra half a cup next time)
- 1 tablespoon lemon juice
- 1 1/4 cup sugar 
- 2 or 3 teaspoons cinnamon (more or less depending on how much of a spice flavor you want)
- 1 teaspoon nutmeg

- 1 cup self-rising flour
- 2 tablespoons sugar (plus a little more to sprinkle on top)
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 3 tablespoons cold butter
- 1/3 cup cold, shaken buttermilk
- 2 teaspoons cinnamon
- pinch of nutmeg
- teaspoon vanilla

pre-heat oven to 350.


Skin and cut peaches into small pieces (I cut them into slices and then cut the slices in half - it doesn't really matter though) and throw into a big bowl. Add blueberries (I microwaved mine for a minute first to get them nice and juicy). Add the rest of the filling ingredients and stir it up. It should be nice and juicy and very purple. 
Pour into a baking dish.


Stir flour, sugar and salt together. Add the butter and mix together. Add the buttermilk and mix until it becomes a dough. 
Add pieces of the dough to the top of the filling.
I didn't worry too much about filling all the space because the dough rises and really fills out the dish as it bakes. 
Sprinkle a little bit of sugar over the top of the dough for an extra sweet taste. 

Bake at 350 for about 45-60 minutes.
It's done when the top is golden brown and the juices are bubbling!

Serve hot with a scoop or two of vanilla ice cream!

I had mine with a warm mug of fresh apple cider and Fleet Foxes spinning - oh the beauties of Autumn. 

1 comment:

  1. My Mom made a peach and raspberry cobbler last week. It was delicious. I didn't realize I liked it so much. Yours looks amazing as well! :)
