
September 25, 2013

September Recap

Man oh man.
Where has September gone?!
I'm feeling completely and utterly depressed with how fast this month has gone by.
I feel like with each new month, the time goes by faster and faster. 
This month was an incredibly fun month for us. 
The weather started to get cooler on most days but we still got some random 80 degree days which were nice since we weren't quite ready to say goodbye to summer.

Autumn is my favorite time of the year and here in Rochester the season is just perfect.
The crisp cool air, the changing leaves, all the pumpkin things to eat and drink. 
I don't think that there would be any way that I didn't think life was perfect during this time of year.

We've been SO busy all month with adventures and projects.
We went on so many nature walks and to science museums
 Baked yummy treats and drank warm apple cider.
 Had play dates and adult dates.
Spent time with family and shared thousands of laughs.

 We grew and learned.
We were thankful for each new beautiful day.

Next week marks the beginning of a new month. 
One of my most favorite months. 
With the start of the new month Josh is leaving for a week for a business trip for his awesome new job so we'll be missing him but we have the whole week filled up with plans already so it will make missing him hurt a little bit less.
We've never been thousands of miles apart before.
We've never been apart for more than one night.
We're so thankful for this new opportunity though and thankful to God for meeting our needs during one of the hardest financial seasons of our life.
Things are looking up and God is always faithful.

(how awkward is this photo?! Josh likes to make my life as weird as possible.^)

I'm so excited to be closing this month and beginning a new.
I can't wait for pumpkins and hiking and costumes and cozy nights!
Thank you Jesus for this beautiful life. 


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