
October 17, 2013

Another Fall Family Day

On Monday we spent the day with Josh's family.
It was a gorgeous, warm day!
We started the day by going to another local farm for some fall fun.
We went to Cobble Creek Farm and it was the first for us as a whole family!
I can't believe I had never been before - it's one of those places where I just never went when everyone I knew used to go for whatever reasons. 
We had such a fun time!

We went on a gorgeous, long hayride through the woods and to a pumpkin patch!
The girls were angels the whole way which I was so happy about. 
I was a little scared to take them on a half hour long wagon ride but it was great. 

We ate cider and donuts, played in a giant box of corn kernels, climbed up bales of hay, saw some cute little piggies and goats, and Josh, Viv and Josh's mom went on a barrel ride!

My favorite part was going through a giant corn maze.
We let Viv lead the way and she literally walked in, and just kept walking until we made it out!
We didn't have any wrong turns or anything and it only took about 10 minutes!
Girl must have an exceptionally great sense of direction. 

After the farm we went back to Josh's parents house for the rest of the day.
We just relaxed, drank wine, and had a huge dinner.
It was a perfect day for sure! 
These Autumn days are going by way too quickly and my heart might be a little depressed once the colder weather hits.
But we're enjoying this season, that's for sure! 


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