
October 22, 2013


Loving: Kids consignment stores! Am I just really slow on this or are these a new rage? I've been to the kids consignment stores in the past (ex: Kid To Kid, Once Upon A Child) but I only ever had one child to buy things for so buying from actual big stores wasn't such a big deal. Now that I have two kids to clothe, I am becoming obsessed with these consignment shops! We hit the ones that are out closer to the city so lots of richy rich people get rid of clothes that are barely even worn and top brands that I couldn't afford buying brand new!! I just got Viv a pair of Converse for 6 bucks that literally didn't even have scuffs on them! And, you can sell/trade your kids outgrown clothes for cash or store credit which is even cooler! You're probably laughing at me, I know. 

Working On: MOVING! People, we're moving!! Okay, we're not moving to a fairy-tale city like we've been dreaming about but for right now, this is so much better. We're moving to a house only about 10 minutes away! I can't even handle it...I get goosebumps just thinking about it. Everything has come together so incredibly that there is no doubt that it's God's plan. Everything from Josh getting a good job, to this house becoming available, to...a couple other surprises that I can't mention just yet (NO I'M NOT PREGNANT). We have to be out of our apartment on the 1st of November and we just decided to move last it's crazy. We've been packing like crazy people but with having two littles under 2 it's hard to get a lot done when someone is always needing to be snuggled, changed or fed. We also have to paint our apartment AND our new double crazy. I'm beyond excited and I can't stop doing happy dances. We're going to have 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a finished basement for Josh to have all his "guy things" in, a fenced in yard! Oh my goodness!

Thinking About: How God really puts every tiny detail together so perfectly. We've been waiting three years for a house, a job, etc and every day for these years we've been moving closer and closer to our goal and now that it's almost here we really can just see so clearly the whole picture that the Lord has been painting in our lives. We've just been in awe of his faithfulness especially over these past few weeks! It's hard when you don't know about your future (especially when raising children) and sometimes it's not the easiest thing to just let go of everything you want to think and feel and let God take control, but when you do, the results are better than you ever could imagine. 

Anticipating: Halloween festivities! My mom and I worked on Viv's costume and it's just about finished and I just got Penny the absolute most adorable costume tonight! Thursday we go trick-or-treating with one of our playgroups, Saturday we have a harvest party all day with our church, Sunday we're going to a local historical reenactment site for some old-fashioned harvest fun and then who knows what we'll be doing the actual week of Halloween since we'll be SO busy with moving! I'm making a super easy and simple costume for myself too, just for fun for the girls, hehe. 

Making Me Happy: My girls and my sweet hubby. They're really the greatest things in life. I can't stop gushing over them every day. Also making me happy, the thought of getting settled into our new house and having friends and family over!! Especially for the holidays!! I was dreading the thought of Christmas until we found out we were moving and now it's all I can think about! Decorating, parties, cooking...oooh! 

Listening To: I wanted to add this because I've been playing music non-stop lately - it helps me to pack and keep calm with so much going on. I'm not going to link any because, honestly, I'm tired and I'm pretty sure most everyone uses Spotify now anyway? 
 Lucius' new album Wildewoman is amazing. We saw them live in August and holy crap, they were incredible! If you like Beach House you will love this album!
The Head and The Heart - Let's Be Still. This is their second album (if you haven't listened to their first then you're seriously missing out on life) and it's also incredible. We saw them this summer too and oh goodness...I will never forget. Charity (the female vocalist/violinist) has a voice like velvet and passion through her spirit and those boys, well, they'll melt your heart.
Grouplove and Icona Pop because...dancing.
First Aid Kit, The Tallest Man on Earth, Dry The River
Listen to them all! 


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