
December 1, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

This year for Thanksgiving we celebrated Thanksgiving at our house with most of my family. 
Josh's family was out of town for the week so I decided to just invite my family over for the day and for dinner. 
It was my first time hosting a big holiday dinner so I was a little nervous but my mom and a couple of my brothers came for three days to help me cook and to help with the girls!
I couldn't have done it all without them here to help.
I stressed for a few days with wanting to make sure every little thing was perfect but by the time Thursday came I just wasn't feeling like going all out.
We opted for simple snacks, desserts, and just used paper plates for dinner. 
We're planning two big Christmas parties with our friends, then there's the craziness of Christmas week, and then we have Viv's big birthday bash at the beginning of February so I just tried to keep Thanksgiving simple and easy.

Josh's new job keeps him away for major holidays so it was definitely a little hard not having him home all day.
He was able to come home for a little while during dinner which I am so thankful for - but it wasn't the same as having him home all day with us all.

I am so thankful for all the gifts in our life.
An amazing marriage.
Precious little daughters.
All of the beauty in our friends and family.
All of the love, the laughter, and the fun.
We are blessed beyond measure. 

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