
January 23, 2014

Where Your Soul is Free

Where is the one place your soul feels free?
The place where you go to get away from it all?
The place where you go to think, to breathe, to be?
My place is the outdoors.
The air is healing for me.
Even if that air is bone-chilling.
I breathe it in and my fears and anxieties dissipate.

This winter we've been hit with record breaking cold temps and snowfall over and over.
By this time, the end of January, I am aching for green grass and warm sun.
I dream about getaways and adventures.
Today I decided to go walk along the lake - just to be outside.
It was negative something degrees but that didn't matter.
Today was good for my soul.
In the silence.
In the frozen wasteland.

I imagined crossing the frozen lake on foot to Canada.
I imagined that the grass was new and my girls were running in the sunshine.
I imagined picnics.

After today I am okay to wait a while longer for spring to arrive.
The winter, in all her bitter chill, is beautiful.
She is peaceful and slow.
She makes us stop and relish the simple things.

Time is but a vapor.
Breathe this moment.
Live this moment.


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