
February 7, 2014

Guest Post: Lauren

I am so excited to have my first guest blogger today! Today Lauren from Momma Moonpie is here sharing a beautiful poem that she wrote. Lauren and I have been following each other on Instagram for awhile now and she and her family are just beautiful! Thank so much, Lauren for sharing! 

You Reached For Me

For 9 months you grew within my womb

ever changing

fluttering about your room

dancing while preparing for your debut

All the while I am growing too

my body stretching

each day more draining

impatiently waiting to meet you

The morning of your birth was a dream

Everything a blur

So many emotions, up and down

Looking ahead to the unknown

The early weeks are so hazy to me

clouded by hormones

I can hardly remember your tiny self

struggling to stay afloat

All of those feelings of self doubt

Am I doing this right?

Why is she crying?

Does she even love me at all?

And then one day it finally happened

you reached for me

all was right in the world

I couldn’t stop my tears from falling

My confidence soared to new heights

never self doubting

The self I knew forever changed

I became a mother

You can also find Lauren on Instagram @mommamoonpie and her blog Thank you again, Lauren! XO. 

If you would like to write a guest post for MyFaereLady feel free to drop us an e-mail at, I would love to talk things over with you and have you here on the blog! 

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