
December 28, 2012

Christmas Day 2012

Christmas morning was probably one of the best times I've ever had.
It was perfect and magical.
I woke up at 7am to shower and get ready for the day so that I didn't have to take time away from Josh and Viv doing that during our morning together.
I started a big breakfast of hash browns, eggs, bacon, fresh bread, and sparkling juice.
Around 8am Josh and Viv woke up and as soon as Viv walked into the living room she saw all the gifts under the tree and just starting screaming with excitement! We had breakfast and started opening our gifts, starting with our stockings of course!

We had so much fun opening our stockings - that's always my favorite part!
Josh always does so awesome with buying me gifts and keeping them secrets. He always gets me a few practical things (ex: hairbrush, ice cream scoop, socks) and then things that I wanted or what he knows I would love. 
This year some of my favorite things from him were: New Girl on dvd, the book Wildwood (written by my love Colin Meloy), a mustache sweater and polka dot skinny jeans! 

Viv got so many gifts from us and grandparents. She got baby dolls, stuffed animals, wooden puzzles, a bunch of musical instruments, blocks, a princess palace for all her little people, some sesame street toys, a ride-on seat. 
One of the most special things that she got was a book from her great-grandparents that recorded them reading it to her! So now, whenever she opens the book they read it to her! It's so cute and special - I cried a little when she opened it.
We were so blessed this year! 
We've been having so much fun playing with all the new toys over the past few days! 

By the end of the morning Viv was getting tired of ripping things opened and just wanted to play (I don't blame her). So, we saved some of the boring gifts that we wrapped like clothes and books and had her open those a little later when she was focused again.
It was the best joy watching our little girl just beam with happiness all the days that we celebrated Christmas.
She was and always is such an angel and just makes everyone so happy.
She laughed and squealed for 3 days straight and only on Christmas night as we were getting ready to drive home from my aunt's house did she start to get clingy. 
I'm so proud of what a happy girl I have.
She brings light to every room she goes and warms every heart she meets.

After we opened all our gifts at our house and got ready to go we drove an hour out to my mom's house to celebrate with my family. Viv was exhausted from our long morning and slept the whole way there and was all energized and ready to be crazy when we got there. 
They had already opened all their gifts so we passed around everything we got for them and they had Viv open all her gifts from them. It was fun and relaxing. Viv got so many more toys - my mom always goes overboard with buying toys, but now that all her kids are grown or teenagers she has a reason to spoil her little grandbaby! 

I mentioned in one of my earlier posts that I pulled out a filling I had on a broken molar, so my whole afternoon on Christmas was pretty much a wash and I just spent hours on the couch crying. But Josh and Viv and my brothers all played with Viv and her new toys and kept her occupied so that I could rest. So by dinner I was feeling a little bit better and was able to eat a little and enjoy Viv's first Christmas dinner!

After dinner we all went to my aunt's house down the road for another family party.
By that time it was after 7pm and we still had to drive an hour home so we only stayed about 45 minutes (Viv was getting really tired and clingy too). 

I hope you all had a wonderful and blessed Christmas with loved ones! 

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