
December 30, 2012

Our Year: 2012

2012 was the best year so far of our lives!
Becoming parents was (and still is) an adventure all in itself and having a baby made every single day new and exciting. 
We spent the month of January getting ready for Viv to be born and spending time together before we became parents and had a newborn to take up all of our attention. 

We spent February learning the ups and downs of parenthood and raising a newborn.
It was scary at times but we were so blessed with such a happy baby who never cried or stayed up through the night. 
It was a beautiful month.
We learned so much and had so much joy in our hearts.

When Viv was five weeks old we flew down to Florida for vacation for over a week in March.
Looking back now I don't know what I was thinking taking my brand new baby on vacation but it was a fun trip and I'm glad that we went. I feel like after doing that there's nothing I can't do.

We celebrated our first holiday with Viv in April - Easter!
We took her to a sunrise service at our church and a regular service at my parent's church and she was an angel the whole time. 
Hallelujah for Spring! All the birds and sunshine and best of more snow!

We spent the month of May going on walks outside and enjoying the nice weather as it started to warm up and the trees started to blossom. It was a much needed breath of fresh air after being cooped up in the house all winter with a newborn.
We also celebrated my first Mother's Day by going to church, out to lunch and to the Lilac Festival in the city! 

We spent June out in the sun going to beaches and parks.
Our very best friends got married!

By July Viv was crawling like a pro so going places got more fun!
We celebrated the 4th of July, went to more weddings, went swimming, spent evenings at the beach and took Viv on her first trip to the zoo! 

In August we went on vacation again though this time it was a little closer to home - we went to a house on the Finger Lakes with Josh's whole family for a week and enjoyed a break from life at home. We swam, went boating and tubing, rented a water slide, took walks, slept was great.
Also in August we celebrated both of our 21st birthdays!

In September Josh started up another school semester which actually ended up being the best semester so far. He had a ton of time at home and breaks in between classes to come home and see us. 
We went to pumpkin patches, animal farms, and enjoyed the cool nights.

In October we found out we were pregnant with baby #2 and were (and still are) completely overjoyed! 
We celebrated our 2 year wedding anniversary by going to a hotel on our favorite Finger Lake for the night. We swam at the hotel pool, went out to eat lots, and enjoyed being together.
We also celebrated Viv's first Halloween!

November was a slow month.
We were sick on and off and didn't leave the house much for anything very fun.
Viv started walking at the beginning of the month and I didn't take many pictures since I was busy chasing her around all day.
We celebrated Viv's first Thanksgiving!

December was filled with shopping, crafting and getting ready for Christmas!
We had so many parties and family gatherings over the month to go to that we're still trying to recover from the exhaustion that came with Christmas time! 

I really cannot wait for 2013!
We have Viv's first birthday, our vacation to Florida, Joshua graduates, we'll be having baby #2, and sometime in the summer we'll be making the huge move to a new state!
I am so thankful for every moment of 2012 - we were blessed with a beautiful child and so many memories as a family.
 I love looking back and seeing how far we've come every year and still seeing how far we have yet to go.
Life really is so much more fun and fulfilling with a child.
So, goodbye 2012, thank you for all of your splendor!
2013, I welcome you with open arms and an open heart!

If you want to see our previous year in review post:

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