
January 5, 2013


Loving: Cooking dinners. I think I speak for just about every mom of young children when I say that there are some weeks where I just don't want to cook meals. Well, about one week every month I get in that funk of not wanting to cook. Over the past couple weeks though I've been loving making meals and especially dinner. Maybe it's just because I'm pregnant and always want to eat good food? Who knows, but I'm loving feeling motivated to cook a lot!

Reading: I'm not much of a reader - I just never give myself the time to sit down and relax enough to really get involved with books. One of my hopes for the new year for myself is to read more. I want to read more inspirational books and more design and style books. You know, fun and easy things that don't require a lot of focus. So, let's see if I can do that for myself and hopefully next month I'll be able to tell you of a book I'm  reading!

Watching: Sons of Anarchy! Oh man, Josh and I are obsessed. We watched all of Breaking Bad within a few weeks time and decided we would try out SOA and see if it filled the gap that Walt and Jesse left in our hearts...well, it did! We're already almost done with season 3 and there are only 4 seasons on Netflix - oh dear! Every evening at bedtime we get our snacks and drinks and we put Viv to bed and watch and episode or two while we're snuggled in bed - it's been so much fun! 

Thinking about: Our new baby! Is that too obvious? Well, I can't help it! I'm just so in love with him/her and it's all I can think about. I can't wait to see Viv's reaction to having a sibling and having someone help take up my attention. They're going to be so cute together! 

Anticipating: Next Thursday! We have our anatomy scan and we find out the gender of the new baby! I'm so giddy about it. I think I'm more excited to find out the gender of this baby than I was with Viv because it'll be so fun to think about Viv having a brother or a sister. We have a little plan for after out doctor visit for our gender announcement and I'm just hoping everything works out well so that we can tell everyone! 

Wishing: That it was time for our vacation to Florida NOW! Ah, to be on a sandy beach soaking up the sun *daydreams* 

Making me happy: Listening to Josh and Viv laughing and playing in the room next to me. They are such a joy together. 

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