
January 4, 2013

Send us a Vote?

So, my blog has been listed on Top Baby Blogs for awhile but after I closed my blog for a few months our votes were no longer counted and so the blog went back down to the bottom of the list. Normally I don't really like to ask for your votes very often but since I had my blog closed for so long I thought it would be alright to ask for you help. 
By taking 3 seconds (only 2 clicks) to vote for our blog it not only helps our ranking on the site but is an opportunity for more people to read the blog and easily interact with me and my family! I've met so many great and supportive mama's through Top Baby Blogs and just blogging in general over the past year I've had this blog. It's a fantastic way to talk to other women who are in the same place in life that I am and we're all there to support and help each other. 

The blogging world is so big and there are so many wonderful and beautiful women out there sharing their stories and their adventures. So by voting it helps separate our blog into the smaller category of "baby blogs" rather than not having a specific genre to search for in this vast internet world. 

So if you would be so kind as to send a vote our way if you think of it while you're reading! 
The voting button is on the right side of my blog page (or at the bottom of this post) and all you have to do is click that "Top Baby Blogs" button and then click the owl on the left (when the second screen appears after clicking the first). 
It's very simple! 
And you can vote once every 24 hours!
I really appreciate every single vote that we get and it warms my heart to see so many people reading along! 

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! 

Help Our Rank & Visit Top Baby Blogs, Baby Blog Directory!

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