
January 3, 2013

Pregnancy #2: 18 Weeks

These photos are not my favorite - actually I kind of hate them.
I've been wearing my hair in a sock bun just about every day because it's so easy and hassle-free but by the end of the day they're huge and falling out (like in these pictures) and with that headband (that is falling off) I just look like I should be scrubbing floors. 
And that dress...ugh. There's 3 layers of thick fabric and so it makes me look 30 weeks pregnant.
(I've felt gross and fat all week...welcome to pregnancy I guess) 

Anyway, enough of me being vain and complaining about myself...
Also, I'm not technically 18 weeks until tomorrow (not like it really matters much) but we have a super busy weekend so I knew if I didn't do this now then it would be late and I probably wouldn't get around to it. 

Still feeling great (except for feeling like a fatty) and have a ton of energy.
This week I've been organizing the house and cleaning all the spaces that often get neglected.
When I was pregnant with Viv I always wanted to clean and organize's kind of weird.

I don't know if I've started gaining any weight yet but I think I must.
I feel like I am.
I'm starting to feel chubby and my bump is definitely growing fast.
We eat pretty healthy so at least I don't feel like I'm pigging out.

We have our anatomy scan and find out the baby's gender next Thursday (Jan. 10th)! 
I'm SO giddy about it!
I can't wait to find out what we're having so I can start thinking about it!
If we're having another little girl I want to re-arrange the nursery and make some new decor.
If we're having a little boy I'll probably paint the walls white and just take down the really girly things and just freshen things up a bit. 
I don't want to buy any nursery decorations or anything until later in the year after we move.
By then Viv will be close to ready for a toddler bed and hopefully soon after that we'll be ready to buy a house and we can have separate rooms for the kids. 
So I'm not really thinking of doing much with our nursery now since we'll be moving soon after the baby is born. 

I love having a baby growing inside me again.
It's such a peaceful and fulfilling thing to feel.
All I can think about is Viv having a playmate and how close they're going to be.
I feel him/her moving around and kicking all the time now and I just love it so much.
I can't wait until I can feel it even more later on - it's so much fun! 

We picked out an absolutely perfect first middle name for a girl this week.
Like I've mentioned before, all our kids are going to have 3 middle names (like I do) so it takes a lot of time to pick out perfect and special names. So right now we have a definite first name and first middle name for a girl and I am just smitten.
We have a name that we love for a boy that we decided on a long time ago (a whole name) but I think the first name is just a little too simple for our we've been thinking a lot about more boy names. There are so many cute ones to choose from! 

Baby is about the size of a sweet potato right now or 5.6 inches (approximately).

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