
January 15, 2014

2013 Year In Review!

I know, I am so behind on this but I didn't want time to slip away and not have done this post. 
-- Here is our 2011 and 2012 --
I really love these "year in review" posts - it really gives such a great flashback and it's always nice to look back on memories without scrolling through different albums. 
I never can believe how fast a year goes by, and they go by faster with each child.
My mom always says that time isn't supposed to go by fast when you're's supposed to be slow because before you know it, it's over.

We had an incredible, incredible year in 2013.
Our family once again grew in number and we celebrated so many new successes. 
We grew in love and in faith.
We had struggles and heartaches.
We focused on the beauty and the details of this life.
We grasped little fingers and held on tight and breathed in the love and the innocence.

Here is our 2013 recap!


January was a bit of a slow month. 
It's always the hardest month - the holidays are over and it's just snow for what seems like a lifetime.
The biggest thing that happened in January for us was finding out that we were going to have another sweet baby girl! I will never forget the feeling that overcame me when I found out that I was going to have another beautiful daughter. My whole life I had dreamed of raising daughters - I was over the moon. 

February started out with a bang - Viv turned 1! 
I planned and threw together a small family party the night before using things that I grabbed at the dollar tree and Walmart at 9pm. We weren't planning on doing anything huge, just cake with family, but I ended up feeling bad that I didn't decorate and stayed up all night making the house magical for her! 
The rest of the month was pretty slow since it was still cold and snowy but we made the most of it and made sure to go to a few different museums and spent a lot of time snuggled inside with friends.

March was an amazing month!
We started it out by taking our yearly trip to Florida with Josh's family. We always the best time ever with them and visiting all Josh's family that lives down there - it's definitely my favorite time of the year! March was also filled with a lot of Easter parties! We spent Easter with both our families, went to church for sunrise service, and I made a huge dinner the day after. My brother and sister-in-law were in town too which made it even more special. The weather slowly started to get decent so we started to get outside more and kick our cabin fever!

April was that perfect springtime month. The sun was warm and the flowers were blooming!
We spent every spare second outside in the sun. 
We went to the zoo, discovered new parks, explored the city, had picnics at the beach. 
April was just what we needed after a long cold winter!

May was another gorgeous month.
Viv loved spending time outside with the grass between her toes and dirt on her knees.
We spent the month waiting and preparing to welcome Penny into the world and making sure that Viv got loads of special time and attention. 

June was the best month of our year for obvious reasons! 
Penny was (and is) the absolute most perfect addition to our little family. 
Bringing her home and getting to know her was our greatest gift.

July is always our fun-in-the-sun month.
We basked in the sunshine every chance we got. 
We celebrated The Fourth with all of our friends and family, we swam anywhere and everywhere we could, we went to the county fair, and we even went to my old hometown to ride the carousel.
July was magic.

In August we went on another beautiful vacation with Josh's family. We stayed in a cute little college on a sparkling lake nearby. 
We spent a lot of time at the beach this month too - swimming and running free.
Josh and I turned 22.
And we also became Aunt and Uncle! 

In September we spent time going to different animal farms and enjoying the last of the warm days. 

October of course was for pumpkins, cider, and beautiful leaves.
The crispness in the air was so refreshing.

November was fabulous!
We moved into our new, beautiful home!
Josh got settled into the schedule of his new job, we did lots of fun projects for the house, and we even had Thanksgiving here! 
It was an incredibly memorable month for us all. 

December went by the quickest, as it usually does, with all it's magic and busyness.
We had so many friends over, we baked cookies, we watched movies, we played in the snow, we drank hot cocoa. 
Christmas went by much too quickly but was beautiful and magical. 

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