
January 18, 2014

This New Year

With the start of this new year I wanted to get motivated to start blogging regularly again. 
I've been blogging for 3.5 years now but I've always been a lazy blogger. I'll have months where I will post almost every day and then I'll have a month or two where I don't even think about it. I feel like blogging is so important in my life though. It's hard for me to keep written record of things, so this place is where I can look back on my kids growing up.With this new year I want to stay current with keeping up with our family's adventures - even just the little daily things. I want to remember and share the things that inspire me in this time of my life. I want to remember who I was when I was twenty two years old. 

With this new year I have so many things that I want to accomplish and many things I want to work on as a wife and as a mother but also for myself. I want to practice patience and kindness with everyone I interact with. I want to give my husband and my children all of myself - I want to be present in these short, precious moments. I want to travel, even if it's close by. I want to create and learn and push myself to be the best that I can be. I want to love unconditionally and have no fear of doing the things I love. 

My theme for this new year is life. I want to breathe in the everyday and live fully even in the smallest moments. I don't want to hold back. I want my children to be free and to enjoy this beautiful, fleeting life.  

I know I'm a little late, but what are your hopes and goals for this new year?


  1. Jordan!! The new layout is sooo good!

  2. Oh my gosh, look at how big they've gotten!!! I understand completely how you feel about giving ALL of yourself to your family. One thing I've done is I moved our desktop computer to a separate room. I found myself getting so focused on the random passings on the internet that I was seeing my son climbing on me or asking me to hold him as a distraction to what I was looking at - when really the internet is the distraction! It made me so sad to realize that's what I was doing and I'm so glad I was able to see it and fix it.

    1. Michaela, that is such a great idea! I struggle with the same thing. I have my laptop on the island in our kitchen always, and my iPad is also really easily distracting. That's a great idea to just keep them in a separate room! xoxo
